Ruwatan Bumi

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Ruwatan Bumi are small steps into the hallway beautiful dreams, beginning courage through dead-end alley that we trick. Ruwatan Bumi reject all that is currently plague our clothing. Ruwatan Bumi is an effort to regrow the social cohesion that can unlock the creative energies of individuals and society.

We live and work in the mastery of history that ignores the root of the sub's history important determinant of its existence: we see in daily life wide gap between rhetoric and action. Political space, social and cultural communities increasingly confined found all around us. Pressure of the growing pragmatism. Reflections on life with us getting lost chances to be stated. Natural position and inter-community relations more increasingly reflects our fears together. Communities also lose its social capital - trust, social cohesion, togetherness.

The development of the town who present themselves with stunning views of the gap, which includes housing, income level, lifestyle, public order is not comfortable enough, until the social services that many contain the problem, is part of the picture of our common life uncomfortable. World village we fell in the picture the hustle and bustle, the first nest in urban camps, slums and solid, at any time under threat of fire or eviction. History does not tolerate the existence of them. The absence of an intermediary space that rural-urban contact, creating a fracture which often hurt our confidence towards life together.

The complexity of the problem, on the one side has sunk us into the so-called crisis of utopia - what is the most powerful in the loss of the ability and courage to dream. We wrestle in a state of insomnia exhausting, which removes the clarity of mind to be strong and imaginative to overcome the problem. On the other hand the crisis provides a broad space for the creation of radical alternatives to the creative and multi-disciplinary. Conventional solution might just be repeating the fundamental mistakes before. Indian rhymes from the tribe Kato * quoted on the front page is the story of creation, how they understand the origin and meaning of life events together. All that's missing from us today: the ability to dream, creativity, sense of mutual trust.

Ruwatan, in the sense of activity to resist the plague is a ritual performed by many tribes in our country. In the Dayak Kenyah, when people perform the ceremony at the expense of hornbills, the Toraja, the Tengger, Java, and more. Events Ruwatan in this program is an effort of reflection and creative dialogue to restore the creative energy and synergy for constructive solutions to the problems of the earth and life with us.