Purwodadi In Dilemma

Posted by mps.ix.00.0109 Document | 9:04 PM | | 0 comments »

Purwodadi Botanical Garden is a branch of the Bogor botanical garden development centers. Purwodadi botanical garden was originally used as a plantation crop research activities. The basics of new plantations carried out in 1954 with the start of manufacture of collections of plant plots. In 1980, some plants collection reorganized according to tribal families who adopted the classification system prantl and englar. In addition there are also collections of living plants dried herbarium collection of 4876 specimens, herbarium wet as much as 374 numbers.

As the development of the botanical garden centers and branches have a mission of conducting an inventory, exploration and conservation of tropical plant that has the knowledge to be collected in a botanical garden. The role of botanic gardens Purwodadi in the development of agriculture and plantation as well as a proven science. And botanical garden in this case serves to provide materials in very large quantities for research in the form of different kinds of plants that are collected through exploration or expeditions as well as other supporting facilities. Functionality for formal and informal educational activities is very large, although this potential has not been used optimally. This is because the visitors still tend to use the botanical garden as a place of recreation Purwodadi alone.
The location is very strategic in the village district Purwodadi Pasuruan,, along the highway of Surabaya - Malang cause Purwodadi botanic gardens as a tourist who has a strong attraction.
From this very unfortunate if we do not take advantage as the facilities provided Purwodadi botanical garden. Given Purwodadi botanical garden has ample potential for education and knowledge either formally or informally.