Engineering Ethics Completion Lane

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The controversy between the two lines making techniques
In general, there are two flow paths making techniques which is widely adopted today, the flow of traditional and modern. Globally, this can be seen from the difference in the way of making the path between the French climber with some traditional American climber. Making a traditional path in principle is to "make a point while climbing." These techniques tend to be worth the adventure because the path through which an entirely new, without security, without a try first, while the climber simply makes the path to climb from bottom to top. Meanwhile, there are two ways that are widely used in modern manufacturing techniques lane. The first way is with a rope fixed (fixed rope). In this technique, making the path can be done by rappelling or ascending on fixed ropes (fixed rope) that have been installed. After the cord still attached, the next step is planning the route and the installation of safety equipment (drill).

The second way similar to the first way, but not with ropes but rather use the top rope. The advantages of this way, manufacturers can make the lane lines and safety placement more precisely because the movement is known climber and is designed first. It is important to note in these two techniques are, point makers must find and reach the first endpoint as the point where the fixed rope belay or top rope. End point paths can be achieved in many ways, including by passing the path / ridge, or through other existing channels. When the end point of the path is impossible to achieve, there is still one more way, namely with artificial climbing. After artificially manufacture complete lines, lines makers to limit or reduce the number of safety / hanger to climb freely.

Ethical issues surrounding the manufacturing line
According to Indonesian dictionary, means of true or false value adopted for a group or society. So the violation of a value usually will not get a legal sanction. Ethics often lead to debate and more debate that often arise around the track making the region especially the particularly strict conservation. Actually, the scope of the rock climbing ethics, especially around the making of the path includes the path naming problem, originality, style of manufacture, the degree of difficulty to the most extreme form of surface modification of the cliff. Problem of who is entitled to name a path, the path-doer or the first climber to complete the track, there are no rules. Usually doers insist path to be the first to complete the route. Sometimes it reaches take months to make all at once to complete a new path. But there are times when the path is made too difficult and far beyond the capacity of the line-doer. In Indonesia, usually the path name is an agreed course of a group or a path maker.
Problem of the origin of the path is usually associated with the large number of existing fixed safety on that route. Because the code of ethics, this has officially become a path. The problem, whether a path spaced drill very far can not be added within reasonable limits? Also on the contrary, if the path distance between the drill too close not to be reduced, also within reasonable limits? Tradition in Yosemite, if a successful climb a fairly easy path, say as high as 15 meters, only with two drill course, this applies to all climbers who will be using that route without the addition of another drill. This tradition is indeed a lot of protest from beginner climbers who felt able to complete the path, but did not want to take the risk with only two drill only.
A middle way to solve this problem by FFME, climbing the cliffs French federation. Each new line in France, especially on security issues and safety point climber. In Indonesia, especially in the area of rock climbing Parang Endog - Yogyakarta, after so many years of sports channels 80's era generation in 2000 is evaluated and rehabilitated for the first time as well as data collection on both the old path / classical or new. And once every three years remains to be evaluated by FPTI DIY and monitoring activities to ensure a safe rock climbing.
But there's one thing beyond the issue of the use of drill, that is changing the surface of the cliff. The problem that this one almost all climbers agree that it is forbidden to do, whether it is to add difficulty and make the path easier. However a fraction of the entire region are climbing (a few who accept this, but only on surfaces with no defects at all (blank) for the continuity of lines before and after it can be maintained. In other words, it is only in place of artificial climbing . Usually it is done by making or carving the stone to form such a pocket or bulge, or installing artificial grip on a real cliff.
Actually, with regard to security, the number of drill problems using the cliff to a point perished to a responsibility towards other climbers. The ideal is to make a point with the number and spacing drill reasonable, so there is a balance between security path / safety climber with nature conservation issues.