Tips for opening the Internet Healthy

Posted by mps.ix.00.0109 Document | 9:46 AM | | 0 comments »

  1. Do not open the internet too long max 2-3 hours per day. Because the Internet is long or work at a computer may damage our eyes will cause blindness.
  2. Do not play games on the internet that is continuing and no end. Because it can cause addiction.
  3. Play or work on the internet as necessary.
  4. Arrange your seating position and your body as comfortable-comfortable.
  5. Rest 10 minutes to see the others after opening the internet about 1 hour.
  6. Do not open the Internet up to forget the time. Because it will cause us to forget everything, that is forgetting to eat, drink, sleep.
  7. Open sites are useful alone or that needed it and do not open the sites that are strange or not be certain.
  8. And for students ..! Do not forget to learn and work on tasks just because it opens the internet!