Razia Indomie Feared Spread To 80 Countries

Posted by mps.ix.00.0109 Document | 1:40 PM | | 0 comments »

JAKARTA, Secretary General of the Joint Food and Beverage Company (GAPMMI) Franky Sibarani alarming cases of raids instant noodles in Taiwan-80 will spread to other countries.

Said Frank told reporters in Jakarta on Friday (15/10/2010).

These concerns, he said, reflect on the reactions that occur from other countries to post-raid Indomie and drawn from a number of shopping centers in Taiwan.

He said since the announcement on Sunday and Monday in Taiwan that Indomie contain preservatives that are harmful to humans, torn countries, such as Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and United Arab Emirates, too, react.

This, according to him, should be a concern of Indonesia. He was aware that instant noodles were manufactured in the country and exported to dozens of countries would have fared the same destination in approximately 80 countries.

Frank said that about 80 export destinations Indomie has the potential to perform the same checks as did Taiwan. "That worries us. Indonesia is concerned, we market outside, "he explained.

To note that in 2006 the export value of Indonesian instant noodles reached 36.5 million U.S. dollars, then surged in 2009 to 95 million U.S. dollars. In 2010 the export value predicted raced to 140 million U.S. dollars.

According to testimony, if Indonesia is able to resolve the problem Indomie it is not impossible that these targets can be achieved.

Also, when Indonesia was able to convince national and international markets that the product is safe, the instant noodle consumption growth and export revenues would increasingly Indofood own and even increase its export destinations.