Geography Lesson Please Arranged Back

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YOGYAKARTA, Indonesia's geography lesson need to be laid back because it still faces constraints in its development, said Dean of the Faculty of Geography Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Suratman Worosuprojo.
"Constraints, among other inconsistencies teaching materials from the primary level, secondary to university. Teachers who do not have a certificate in geography, the number of teaching hours in high school or less, and not taught in high school science department," he said in Yogyakarta on Saturday (16/10 / 2010).
According to him, in a discussion forum at the Faculty of Geography Gadjah Mada University (UGM), geography education in Indonesia continues to lead to a convincing competence to solve national and global issues.

"Geography has long been studied, ranging from the era of descriptive qualitative, quantitative descriptive until now entering the era of experimental and quantitative mathematical models," he said.

He said that, given the importance of science, geography experts have to give way to develop "spatial intelligence" which is indispensable for future generations. Moreover, the development of technology of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) are rapidly and easily.
Secretary-General (Secretary) Association of Teachers of Geography Indonesia, Tony Prasetyarto, say, geography in high school curriculum is integral to the curriculum established by the educational unit concerned.
"That means a teacher must carry out the teaching of geography based curriculum that has been agreed or are used in high school in question. As a teacher of geography in formulating school syllabus and must follow standards set by the government," he said.
According to him, "challenge" which is common among other geography teachers who have had graduate diplomas (S1) background in geography and a certificate IV, in which the materials concerning the Olympic terrestrial geography.
"In addition, the phenomenon of the geosphere, especially those around us make geography teacher obliged to explain to students," he said.
In the discussion forum was also submitted a revised geography curriculum content which includes five aspects learned from elementary to high school level. The five aspects include the natural and social phenomena, resources and regional development, environment preservation, disaster mitigation, and GIS.