Toilets on Aircraft

Posted by mps.ix.00.0109 Document | 2:15 PM | | 0 comments »

A man who was traveling by plane suddenly want to waste water. But every time he went to the toilet, the toilet was always filled. A flight attendant saw the situation, he then suggested the man had to use the ladies room with the note do not press the buttons that are near the toilets.

It turned out that the buttons do exist near the tissue, on the buttons in writing the letters "WW" .. "WA" .. "PP" .. "ATR" ...

Out of curiosity, the man did not heed the message of the stewardess and tried to press the buttons. Cautiously he pressed the button "WW" and immediately warm water to spray her ass. In her heart she said,

"Oh, apparently this means the Warm Water (...), warm water to wash. Wow nice if ya girl to the toilet."

Because he was still curious, then he tried pressing the "WA" and immediately blow warm air (Warm Water) to dry a wet ass. "Ah ...", he thought," no wonder that women feel at home for long in the toilet with a service like this ...!!"

Then he pressed the "PP" with a very careful while anticipating the possibility that will happen. A bearing powder (Powder Puff) out from the sides and bottom of dried powder with a fine powder.

"Man ... this is great, very great service like this !!!", he said to himself. Then he pressed the "ATR". Next thing I knew he was awake and woke up in a hospital room and his hands were attached to the IV. He was very surprised, then he asked the nurse on duty. He testified that he remembered was that he was in the ladies' room on the plane.

The nurse then explained, "Yes ... you sure are enjoying the service plane is aimed at women until when you pressed the ATR button which means it is Automatic Removal Tampons (automatic bandage release) and scrotal you are interested by the device ...."