Posted by mps.ix.00.0109 Document | 6:17 AM | | 0 comments »

First Aid
Providing immediate relief to people with illness or accident victims who need basic medical treatment to prevent disability or death.

The purpose of First Aid
1. Save the lives of sufferers
2. Preventing disability
3. Provide comfort and support the healing process

Integrated Emergency Care System
In the development of first aid measures are expected to be part of a system known as Integrated Emergency Response System, the system of emergency services for people in need, particularly in health.

Components of the Integrated Emergency Response System:
1. Access and Communication
The public should know where they have to ask for help, either general or specific.
2. Pre-Hospital Services
In general, all individuals may provide relief.

Classification Helper:
a. Layman
Not trained or have little knowledge of first aid
b. First Helper
This qualification is achieved First Aid
c. Special Workers / Trained
Specially trained manpower to cope with emergencies on the Ground
3. Transportation
Preparing patients to be transported

Agroforestry And Ecosystem Health

Posted by mps.ix.00.0109 Document | 6:01 AM | | 0 comments »

Rather forest land into agricultural land recognized cause many problems such as declining soil fertility, erosion, extinction of flora and fauna, floods, droughts and even global environmental change. This problem gets worse from time to time in line with the increase in forest area is converted into land-use of other business. Agroforestry is a land management system that may be offered to overcome problems arising from the transfer of land use mentioned above and also to overcome the food problem. Agroforestry, as a new branch of science in agriculture and forestry, attempt to identify and develop the existence of agroforestry systems that have been practiced since the first time farmers. Put simply, agroforestry is to plant trees on agricultural land, and it must be remembered that the farmer or society is essentially elements (subjects). Thus, agroforestry study not only focused on technical issues and biophysics, but also social issues, economics and culture that is always changing from time to time, so that agroforestry is a dynamic branch of science.

Basic Basic Map Compass For Orientation

Posted by mps.ix.00.0109 Document | 5:48 AM | | 0 comments »

For a lover of nature, is commonly wrestle with nature either natural or natural mountain wilderness. In wrestling with nature, especially the mountainous nature, a nature lover it is proper to know the map that describes the physical condition of the mountains. Because by using the map a little more will help in a good way of climbing activities or at the time to study the orientation field.
Basic principles that must be known for field orientation:
1. Understanding maps
Maps used for field orientation is a topographic map, a map that presents an overview of the earth's surface relief. Relief earth depicted on topographic maps in the form of horizontal lines called contour lines. Or in other words contour lines are lines connecting places at the same height. What must be understood in reading topographic maps are interpreted contour line forms correctly, whether it be the formation of the ridge, valley, ravine, river, so that will be able to obtain information about the high and low a place, form, depth, slope estimates, and so forth. This case was ruled as an absolute basic in orientation.

Ruwatan Bumi

Posted by mps.ix.00.0109 Document | 4:11 AM | | 0 comments »

Ruwatan Bumi are small steps into the hallway beautiful dreams, beginning courage through dead-end alley that we trick. Ruwatan Bumi reject all that is currently plague our clothing. Ruwatan Bumi is an effort to regrow the social cohesion that can unlock the creative energies of individuals and society.

We live and work in the mastery of history that ignores the root of the sub's history important determinant of its existence: we see in daily life wide gap between rhetoric and action. Political space, social and cultural communities increasingly confined found all around us. Pressure of the growing pragmatism. Reflections on life with us getting lost chances to be stated. Natural position and inter-community relations more increasingly reflects our fears together. Communities also lose its social capital - trust, social cohesion, togetherness.