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First Aid
Providing immediate relief to people with illness or accident victims who need basic medical treatment to prevent disability or death.

The purpose of First Aid
1. Save the lives of sufferers
2. Preventing disability
3. Provide comfort and support the healing process

Integrated Emergency Care System
In the development of first aid measures are expected to be part of a system known as Integrated Emergency Response System, the system of emergency services for people in need, particularly in health.

Components of the Integrated Emergency Response System:
1. Access and Communication
The public should know where they have to ask for help, either general or specific.
2. Pre-Hospital Services
In general, all individuals may provide relief.

Classification Helper:
a. Layman
Not trained or have little knowledge of first aid
b. First Helper
This qualification is achieved First Aid
c. Special Workers / Trained
Specially trained manpower to cope with emergencies on the Ground
3. Transportation
Preparing patients to be transported

Legal Basis
In the law governing found several articles about First Aid, but has not been corroborated by other regulations to make them complete. Several articles related to First Aid, among others:

Article 531 K U H Criminal
"Anyone who witnessed any persons in danger of death, fails to provide or conduct rescue him was relief that can be given or the holding by not going to worry, that he himself or someone else will be in jeopardy sentenced to jail for ever three months or a fine of up amount of IDR 4,500, -. If people who have helped it to death, punishable by: Code 45, 165, 187, 304 s, 478, 525, 566 "

Aid Agreement
When giving aid is very important to ask for permission prior to the victim or the family, people around when the victim is not conscious. There are 2 kinds of permissions that are known in first aid:
1. Approval is considered given or implied (Implied Consent)
Approval given conscious patients by giving them cues, or the patient is unconscious, or in young children who are unable or deemed unable to give consent
2. Agreement which stated (expressed consent)
Approval expressed orally and in writing by the patient.

Personal Protection Equipment
Security helper is very important, should be equipped with devices known as Personal Protection Equipment such as:
a. Latex Gloves
Basically, all body fluids are considered to transmit the disease.
b. Protective glasses
Eyes also includes gate entry of the disease into the human body
c. Protective clothing
Securing the auxiliary body fluids from spilling over the body through clothing.
d. Masks helper
Preventing disease transmission through the air
e. Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation Masks
Masks are used to provide breathing assistance
f. Helm
As the risk of collision on the head increases. Helmets can prevent injury to the head during a rescue.

Actors obligations First Aid
In performing their duties there are some obligations that must be done:
a. Maintaining the safety of themselves, team members, patients and people around him.
b. Can reach the patient.
c. Can recognize and overcome life-threatening problems.
d. Ask for assistance / referral.
e. Provide relief quickly and accurately based on the state of the victim
f. Helping other players first aid.
g. Participate maintain the confidentiality of patient medical.
h. To communicate with other officers involved.
i. Preparing patients to be transported.

First Aid Qualification Performer
In order to perform the duty of a rescue worker should have the following qualifications:
a. Honest and responsible.
b. Having a professional attitude.
c. Emotional maturity.
d. Social skills.
e. Real ability measured according to the PMI certification. Continuously follow a refresher course.
f. Always in the ready, especially physically
g. Having a sense of pride.

Function Equipment and Materials Association
In performing their duties there are some basic equipment that should be available and able to be used by the helper of them:
1. Tools and materials to examine the victim
2. Tools and materials wound care
3. Tools and materials fracture treatment
4. Tools to move patients
5. Other equipment deemed necessary according to ability