Google Instant, Superfast Seeker

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Google's search technology, introduced a few weeks ago is reportedly more nimble than the method of auto-complete suggestion that has been applied to Google at this time. Marissa Mayer (VP Search & User Experience, Google) and even dare to call this new technology as a quantum leap in search technology.
With auto-complete suggestion, when a user will type, for example the word WEATHER, the search box will suggest the word "weather" so users type WE. Now Google Instant will show search results as users type. In a demonstration conducted at the launch of Instant, the search results of "weather" has been posted as a new user to type the letter W.
Another feature is the scroll presented to Google's Instant Search. When users type in search keywords, an auto-fill suggestion appears on the right complete with drop-down menu contains suggestions (suggestion) others.
Launched internationally, Google Instant immersed in 4 most popular browsers: Internet Explorer 8, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. Beginning next year, Google is also planning a mobile version of Instant. According to Marissa Mayer, Instant technologies will also be available on Google's other platforms, including Google Appliance for Enterprise in 2011.To sustain Instant technology, Google experts to develop a sophisticated caching techniques. Caching technique is able to receive and manage billions of information that will be used to anticipate and show search results in an instant.