Check the condition of the Hard Disk

Posted by mps.ix.00.0109 Document | 3:45 AM | | 0 comments »

Computer or your laptop often hangs, restarts itself or the performance of your computer once more feels slow? if you experience any of the above, chances are you have been hit hard disk bad sectors. Bad sectors is a condition where your hard drive already had worn so that no part (sector) can not be certain that legible. This happens because your computer is often not properly shut down (press the restart button or power suddenly goes out.)
Hard disk bad sector affected will lead to computer performance dropped dramatically or too often experience hangs even blue screen. The situation sometimes bad sectors also cause damage to data stored in the affected area for bad sectors. Want to know if your hard disk you are experiencing such circumstances above? Check your computer's hard disk, how? Read on this article.
Actually, on windows XP already available tools you can use to check the condition of your hard disk, but because this facility was under dos, I think for a layman like me the information produced is less understandable.
Well if you want to check the condition of your hard disk with ease, there are a few choice tools or 3rd party software that can produce information that is complete and easy to understand them is HD Tune and HDDScan.
HD Tune Pro 3.50 - Hard Disk UtilityHD Tune Pro be the best choice of software to make checking your hard disk. A lot of information we get, 4 of which are Benchmark, Information, Health and Error Scan.1. Benchmark will give you the speed of information literacy and computer hard disk access time.2. Info will give you detailed information on your hard disk, start from what features in supported by your drive as well as information about your drive firmware.3. Health gives you information on your hard disk health conditions (health status).4. Error scan. This feature will give you reports if there are errors on your hard disk and this feature you can use to check whether the hard disk that you have been exposed to bad sectors or not. To obtain accurate information, do not use the quick scan. If the results of a scan error is in red it means your hard disk has damaged (bad sectors).
HDDScan 3.2In contrast to HD Tune, this software is devoted to check the condition of the hard disk drive (HDD low level scan). The advantages of HDDScan is HDDScan able to provide more detailed information by displaying the access time of each block (section) on your hard drive. Not only that, another advantage lies in its ability to do the checking (scanning) in several media IDE / SATA / SCSI hard disk drives, RAID arrays, external USB / Firewire hard disks and flash cards.
To scan you just clicking 2 times HDDScan.exe file and click on SMART and see his report. Hard disk that has a good condition marked green on the results of his scan. If you sign the form of an exclamation mark, it indicates there is a problem on your hard disk.
After knowing the condition of your computer's hard disk, now you can find out what's causing your computer not running as you wish (often blank, slow and blue screen), it's time to take action. Before taking action to replace your hard disk, follow steps how to repair hard disk bad sector affected.