Fit Body, Sex Keep blazing

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SYDNEY, Study scientists say they are always maintaining fitness tend to have a higher sex drive. The conclusion was obtained after experts examined the association between physical exercise and personality.

According to Dr Peter Biro from the center of research on the ecology and evolution of the University of South Wales, Sydney, Australia, they are "fanatical about fitness" are also more aggressive and socially dominant.

He said the scientific evidence that indicates that those who have a higher metabolic rate and are more prone to physical exercise has a specific behavioral patterns, including in it has a high sex drive.

"We often assume that people would behave in an aggressive athletic body and dominant in the social environment. While the people calmer and awkward as a freak who are obedient. This is a generalization, but many people would agree with that conclusion," said Dr Bureau.

In an article published in the journal Trends in Ecology and Evolution, the Bureau said, the conclusion came after examining the relationship between behavior and metabolic rate in a number of insects, birds and other animals.

Metabolism is a chemical process in the body which aims to convert food into energy. "Animals who are in the cage often show behaviors that waste energy when they are given an unlimited food," Dr Bureau explained.

"Mice are in a cage, for example, practicing with a run on wheels, while the other animals at the zoo looked like running back and forth in their cages. Given that the animals do not have much to move looking for food like they do in nature, we may asked why they 'exercise'? " Dr Bureau review.

"Recent research reveals that such behavior is probably related to the capacity of each animal to produce energy, or so-called metabolic capacity," said Dr Bureau.

He took the example of the crickets.

"Male crickets chirping in the sex drive tends to attract more partners and insects also have a higher metabolic rate," explained Dr Bureau.

Metabolism and aggressiveness are also associated. For example, in some species of birds and fish that have a higher metabolic rate will tend to attack other animals are metabolized more slowly.

Meanwhile, Chris Jones, chief of psychology at the Nuffield Health, says that although there is a direct relationship between physical exercise and sexual drive, also there is a link between regular physical training with testosterone and adrenaline levels in the body.

"There is scientific evidence that explain that increasing the amount of testosterone and adrenaline in men and women will increase libido," said Jones.

"Interestingly, physical training also decreased libido problems," he added.