Time To

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As a complement and companion you every time, take advantage of Time To free the application of this. There are facilities "Memorizes" that will remind you of the commitments and agreements meeting.

There is also a menu "Balance" which can be used to mencata priorities, deadlines, and time budget. If there is a commitment which ultimately clashed job, you will be given a warning

This application is equipped with a calendar and notes, but unfortunately no list of contacts. However, this application is equipped with an alarm facility reminders, notes web page, pendata files, until the facilities Skype calls. You can also use it to install it on a portable flash disk. Facilities to import and export-related applications are also available.

Although slengkap facility, unfortunately, the visual appearance is rather tersepelekan applications. These applications seem outdated when viewed from its interface. To use, in the beginning you may be confusing and need to habituation process.

There are options to balance the schedule of activities, but still done manually. You can move the schedule from one time to another time if necessary simply by clicking on the entry attracted to schedule another time. Time for business, the stopwatch facility was very helpful. This timer will calculate an activity or project work.

As pendata schedule, Time To be very useful. Indeed, without the facility contact list, this application was lame. However, given the complete features, plus features synchronization with handheld devices, support 17 languages, and others, not easily turned away from Time To.