Smart Diary

Posted by mps.ix.00.0109 Document | 10:58 AM | | 0 comments »

View SmartDiary not much different from any other PIM tools. There are calendar schedule that accommodates all the folders plus the storage of various records.

This one is also like SmartPIM, more functions as a PIM for personal affairs, because there are categories of records for medical and food problems. Perhaps you can make it as a Personal Trainer.

Even so, Smart Diary also used to keep business. There are facilities such as word processing Word Pad equipped premises spelling talker.
This facility is in the Diary or journal maker. Note that the graph can be development or your daily activities.

Other facilities include a calendar schedule of activities, which can be arranged appearance daily, weekly, or monthly. Calendar entry can also be categorized so easily traceable. Schedule tasks, contact lists, and notes (notes) is a standard feature. What's interesting is Nutrition and mediation menu that you can use to adjust the intake of nutrients to the body (plus collection of food shopping) and regulator of health inspectors schedule.

At first glance, penggunannya controls similar to Microsoft Outlook. But because of its full features, it looks a little more solid. Relax, this does not make you confused menggunannya kok. The concept of the creator's easy for you to record and track the activity your life every time and analyze the results.

The development of your life are shown in graphical form. For some people is even less understandable because the graphics are somewhat less detail ditampilan. However, this graph you can use some components menlihat data connection.