Microsoft Sidewinder X5 - Too Light

Posted by mps.ix.00.0109 Document | 5:23 PM | | 0 comments »

Assessed from the function, the gaming mouse is a good value. When playing games that require speed and accuracy of the reaction, these mice showed good results. Coupled with the two buttons near your thumb, you can ease the process of playing a vital, such as Reload Melee weapons and attacks. Two buttons are placed side by side stand and vertical. Unfortunately, the key distance far enough from the tip of the thumb. To suppress them, you must move your thumb forward.

You can find a row of three buttons on the mouse wheel. The button allows you to select the sensitivity ranging from 200 DPI to 2000 DPI with a distance of 400, 800, 1000, and 1600 DPI. Unfortunately, this mouse is too small and uncomfortable to use when playing in a long time.

Ultimate Gaming Mouse conclusion quite reliable and very light.