In addition to producing processors and supporting chipsets, Intel also makes the motherboard itself as a platform from which the release of the processor. This also applies to the latest range of Intel processors, such as Core I5 series of Clarkdale family that has on-die graphics. In the same time with the release of its processors, Intel issued a motherboard with a chipset DH55HC type H55 that supports the latest Core i3/5/7 series. 

Typically, the motherboard made by Intel is focused on compatibility with various platforms and stability. Therefore it is not surprising that in the BIOS's DH55HC, CHIP only to find the parameters of the standard settings. Extra feature for tuning / overclocking only a few available here, that even with a limited set of choices. However, its performance is quite good, comparable to the motherboard H55 from other motherboard manufacturers.

In terms of layout, it looks simple motherboard. H55 chipset is cooled by a small piece of aluminum heatsinks for this chipset does have a low operating temperature. CHIP find one thing that is jammed, putting Intel PCI-Express x16 slot is too close to the memory so that potentially complicates the process of loading graphics card and plug the memory While it may seem trivial, this can be quite a waste of time, especially if the motherboard is already installed in the casing.
Besides a little trouble conclusion ergonomics, this motherboard overall performance and good stability.