Chest Compressions Save Lives

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If you do not find signs of life in people who are unconscious, the emphasis on the heart needs to be done to restore blood circulation. Research shows that more effective chest compressions save lives than to focus on providing artificial breathing through the mouth.

The study of 3,000 patients found, in emergency emphasis on the chest alone can increase chances of survival by 22 percent. Even so, the emphasis that is coordinated with the heart the mouth to mouth artificial respiration remains the best option.

Life-saving techniques on the unconscious victim's heart stops and breathing stops or cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a combination of exercise by giving chest compressions artificial breathing from mouth to mouth. Techniques used to do in various types of emergencies, such as heart attack or the victim nearly died of drowning.

When the heart stops beating, oxygen in the blood is reduced, within a few minutes of this condition can cause permanent brain damage. If there is more than 8 minutes of death may occur. Because it plays a very important time when we help people who are unconscious cardiac arrest and not breathing.

But before giving CPR techniques really make sure the victim is unconscious and not breathing. Because giving CPR to someone who does not need it can be dangerous. When you are alone in an emergency situation, the first step is to call for emergency medical assistance or take the victim directly to the nearest emergency room.