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The earthquake is the vibration that occurs in the earth's surface. Ordinary earthquakes caused by the movement of the earth's crust (plates of the earth). Our earth, although solid, always moving, and earthquakes occur when the pressure is because the movement was already too large to be arrested.

Anatomy of an earthquake
Earthquakes occur every day on earth, but most are minor and do not cause damage to anything. Small earthquakes can also accompany a major earthquake, and can occur after, before, or after the big earthquake.

The cause of earthquakes
Most earthquakes result from the release of energy generated by the pressure made by the moving plates. The longer the pressure was becoming enlarged and eventually reach the state where the pressure can not be arrested again by the edge of the plate. At that moment an earthquake is going to happen. Earthquakes usually happen at plate boundaries plates.

Several other earthquakes can also occur due to the movement of magma inside the volcano. Such an earthquake could be symptoms of an imminent volcanic eruption.
Earthquake can be measured
Seismologist are scientists who study earthquakes. The instrument used to measure the strength of an earthquake is called a seismograph. Seismologist using the Richter Scale (SR) to describe the amount (magnitude) earthquake and the Marcalli Scale to indicate the intensity of the earthquake or its effect on soil building and human.

Marcalli Intensity Scale:
Scale : 1 Not felt
Scale : 2 felt by some people, especially those that are in high-rise buildings
Scale : 3 Feels in the house by a few people, the vibration felt like there was a passing truck
Scale : 4 in the house felt like there was heavy objects that hit the wall, hanging goods moving
Scale : 5 can be felt outside the house, waking sleeping people, objects fell off shelves, and leaves the door open-close move
Scale : 6 felt by everyone, there are books on the shelves fell, table and chairs move
Scale : 7 Wall is not a strong burst, people can not walk or stand
Scale : 8 Buildings that are not strongly damaged, some collapse like a tower, water tank, landslide scarp
Scale : 9 Buildings that are not strong experienced severe damage, damage to the foundation and framework of the building
Scale : 10 Bridges, dams and embankments damaged; massive landslide that occurred
Scale : 11 underground pipes destroyed, damaged railroad tracks
Scale : 12 All buildings were destroyed and there is nothing left

Type earthquakes

Tectonic earthquakes
Tectonic earthquake caused by the release of energy that occurs due to a shift in plate tectonic plates like a rubber band is pulled and released abruptly. Power generated by the pressure between the rock known as tectonic disability. The theory of plate tectonics (plate tectonics) explains that the earth consists of several layers of rock, most areas of the crust will drift and float on the layer of snow. These layers move slowly so fragmented and broken to collide with each other. This is what causes the occurrence of tectonic earthquake. Tectonic earthquake was unique. Example is like a tectonic earthquake that occurred in Yogyakarta, Indonesia on Saturday, May 27, 2006 early morning, at 05:54 pm.

Volcanic earthquakes
Volcanic earthquakes occurred near the volcano and have the same shape with elongated rift tectonic earthquake. Volcanic earthquakes caused by magma moving upward in the volcano, where the shift in rocks to produce earthquakes.
When magma moves to the surface of the volcano, he moves and broke the rocks and cause vibrations that can survive prolonged from several hours to several days. Volcanic earthquakes occurred in areas adjacent to the volcano, such as the mountainous west of the Cascade Pacific Ocean, Japan, Iceland Plateau, and the red dots like the Hawaiian volcanoes.

In this House:
At the time of vibration felt a few moments, seek refuge under the table to protect the body from falling objects. If no table near us, protect the head with something, such as pillows, board or with both hands with their tummies.

Outside the house:
Ducked down and protect your head with a makeshift objects or both hands. Move away from buildings and poles to the open area.

Inside the buildings, cinemas and the ground floor:
Do not panic. Follow the instructions of security officers or security guards. Do not use the elevator when an earthquake or fire emergency use the stairs. Move into the open.

On the train or bus:
Hold tightly to the pole or anything near you that does not fall when there is turbulence or stop suddenly. Remain calm and follow the command officers

In the car:
When a large earthquake occurs, we will feel as though bald tires. The driver will lose control so difficult to control. Ask the driver to avoid the intersection and immediately pull over to stop. Ask the driver switched on the radio for news and instructions from the government. If there are appeals to flee, get out of the car, leave the car unlocked.

In the mountains or on the beach:
After the quake, there was the possibility of landslides in the mountains. Move to a safe place that is open field which slopes away from the area.
Whereas if you were on the beach, there is the possibility of a tsunami. Move to higher ground or hills.