
Posted by mps.ix.00.0109 Document | 10:47 AM | | 0 comments »

In the Microsoft Office package, we know the image editor program called Picture Manager. This application has simple functions in processing an image, such as cropping, Resizing, and file format conversion.

There is also a feature contrast settings and lighting levels and color images and color saturation. Far from the complete word, but for ordinary users to be sufficient.

But what if you do not have the package? For example you prefer Open Office Suite is not paid. Picture Manager is the program can be downloaded separately, but only in the shareware version. For a free application completely, Photo Edit may be one alternative.

These devices have almost the same capabilities with Microsoft homemade image editors. In fact there are some functions that are not owned by Picture Manager. For example correction level and intensity of color can be adjusted based on RGB color channels. Rather than fill the numbers, you can simply play the histograms and curves as needed. Another ability you had them Photo Edit sharpen or blur the image and standard features such as autolevel, autocontrast, color balancing, flip, and rotate.

With the relatively small size, only takes about 3MB hard disk space, accompanied PhotoEdit fairly decent photographer or beginner-level image editor. At least to learn to adjust the coloring.