Axioo IntelliPen

Posted by mps.ix.00.0109 Document | 9:25 AM | | 0 comments »

With the emergence of a variety of digital devices, we may have rarely written hand. Understandably, more flexible digital format. Besides easily corrected, written or digital format images are also more easily duplicated than handwriting. However, in some cases, we may still need (or just missed) incised ideas through writing.  

Now, Toshiba is practically Intellipen bridge between the world of digital writing and hand. This device serves to detect hand movements that made you write in a paper can be stored digitally. So you may as well hand-written version of the digital version.

To do this, there are two main components Axioo IntelliPen. The first is the Digital Pen which is basically a pen that emit blue ink. But unlike ordinary pens, digital pen has a sensor in the eyes of the pen that will emit a wave of transmission every time the eyes of the pen is pressed. Wave transmission is then captured by a second component, namely elliptical receiver weighs about 64 grams.

 How it works Intellipen like this. When you want to write or draw, place a sheet of plain paper on the mat cardboard, plywood, or other hard little sheet. After that, pins and pads of paper with a brace in the receiver. This receiver itself can be placed on the top, side, or under cardboard. After that, you just write / draw on sheets of paper and Intellipen will detect movement of the pen. As a result, what you are writing or drawing on paper will be stored in the receiver exactly as Intellipen a digital file.

Receiver itself actually has an internal memory with a USB connection. When one side of his elliptical opening, will see the USB head. If you want to see graffiti, you just plug the USB head into the port on your PC. Later, will appear PenInk Viewer software that supports Windows operating system, Linux, or Mac.

As the name suggests, just PenkInk Viewer function for viewing or to see the results of graffiti. But the point streaks apala hand if you can not be edited anymore. Therefore, you must install the software MyScript Notes. This software converts handwriting function into a text that can be edited. The results of these conversions will be exported to Word or Notepad.

But here we meet trouble. MyScript Notes did not know the word in Indonesian. Language Britain, Japan, Spain, China, or Korea's there, but not for the Indonesian language. As a result, every word we write diintepretasikan as words in English (which we had to choose). So when we write "InfoKomputer is coolest magazine in Indonesia", this software to translate as "Into Her KOMP Kirk a material data events in Indonesia". As you can see, this software interpret the word Indonesia into words in English (into, data, materials, and events).

According to Terra as a distributor of Toshiba Computer Intellipen, this problem will be solved over time when MyScript Notes was used by Indonesian words that we write. We do not have enough time to give "lessons" to the software, but the Terra MyScript could show how Notes can translate the word "Branch Ambassador" and the names of Indonesian-style perfectly.


Axioo concepts Intellipen somewhat interesting because it offers a bridge between the world of digital graffiti and hand. However, given the end result Intellipen basically the same as we scan the handwriting with ordinary scanner. The difference is just a matter of real-time or not. So Axioo Intellipen more suitable for you who want to quickly move the handwritten to digital format.

USB based
When you open a elipsnya side, will look a USB connector. Toshiba also provides extension cord if the ellipse is difficult when plugged into a computer.

Ideal Position
Here's the receiver's position while on duty. We stayed at the pins and pads of paper that has a hard surface. This receiver position can be on top, side, or bottom.

If you've used, MyScript Notes can recognize handwriting-based Indonesian language. But it takes time.