Healthy Sleep Tips

Posted by mps.ix.00.0109 Document | 9:45 AM | | 0 comments »

  1. Sleep with sufficient time at least 8 hours.
  2. Go to bed when sleepy and do not force sleep, if you're not sleepy. and otherwise not be forced not to sleep, if you are very sleepy.
  3. Sleep facing right. That will keep your heart so as not depressed by the body.
  4. Sleep with the most comfortable position, using pillows and bolsters, so you do not later rise and body aches.
  5. If there is no bolster, for comfortable sleep with the position of the left foot rest on the right foot.
  6. Do not sleep after every meal (can-can later vomit) and do not forget to drink a lot after getting out of bed to maintain your kidney health.